Breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner*
I am completely thrilled. I don’t think I have ever won anything in my entire life, ever, yet a great big pile of gardening tools is now standing in my hall, free. I filled in a coupon for a prize draw (not even a proper competition!) in Gardens Monthly magazine and they have very kindly sent me – and 2 other lucky winners – a spade, fork, border spade, border fork, rake, sprung rake, half-moon edgy thing and hoe. Spear and Jackson E series, very shiny, very posh of handle. Quite heavy, maybe, though I will report back properly when I’ve had a go with them (at the moment they are all still wrapped), but sure to be better than the tools I have had for the past 10 years, which were a job lot from Argos. (And have suited very well: I’m not knocking Argos. Apart from the trowel, which is bent and a bit knackered, but I don’t have a replacement for that.)
*(I’m the one who is the winner.)
May 14th, 2008 21:09
Congrats! I once won something from Safeway in Addlestone but am struggling to remember what it was (it was that long ago!)
May 14th, 2008 21:48
Well done – well and truly beats my lettuce. I’m glad these magazine giveaways really do have real life winners 🙂
May 15th, 2008 05:45
I remember winning a couple of late night phone in competitions on Forth FM up in Edinburgh, but that was always rubbish prizes like CD Singles and an Alarm Clock!
May 15th, 2008 07:26
Excellent. You could always let the girls loose with the old ones in the allottment!
May 15th, 2008 13:58
Hey! Well done! I enter these things, but so far haven’t one – must keep entering!!