

I am so sad – we have been evicted from our allotment. For weeds, which to be fair are out of control, and because (pointed look at my midriff) you are not going to be able to do anything for 3 years are you. Which also might be fair enough but is not for them to say, and from past experience it is the period from 18 months – 2 1/2 that is the problem: newborn babies are quite happy on an allotment. I suspect the reality is that nearly all the other plots are dug by a gang of old boys, and one of their friends wants on.

On a purely selfish personal level, I am utterly gutted as this is my escape; somewhere I can pop to for a few hours in the evenings, weekends, or when the children are at school/nursery. Without it my day to day life will consist almost entirely of house stuff and mumming – I spend too much time here as it is. Conversely I am sad for the children who love coming down with me: Maggie has been in tears (why don’t they want us? and I just want our allotment back) and Tamsin gets ridiculously excited about digging potatoes from the ground, and is made happier by a fresh raw from-the-pod pea than almost anything else. I am also cross that my parsnips, squash and artichokes will be lost.

I am really annoyed that there was no warning whatsoever, beyond one of the plot-holders yesterday suggesting that there had been “whispers” about me (and she was only telling me because I am so nice. Huh.) Surely “sort your weeds or you are off” would have been only polite? And I don’t want to see any of them, so will have to go after dark to dig up all those potatoes, retrieve raised beds and sandpit, and remove all the other plants that I can hopefully find a home for here.

7 Responses to “Evicted”

  1. Claire P
    August 20th, 2009 17:20

    That’s disgusting behaviour! Are you sure they can do that? Couldn’t C help out…I am outraged on your behalf!!!

  2. Karen
    August 20th, 2009 18:27

    without so much as a disciplinary procedure? shocking. You can come and work ours if you like.

  3. VP
    August 21st, 2009 14:56

    Oh Lisa I’m so sorry. And I see I owe you some very belated congratulations too.

    Chucking you off without a warning doesn’t sound right though. At least I had a warning letter last year and a month to get my act together. What does your allotment agreement say?

    Assuming the b*stards can do that, perhaps you could start something in your garden instead? You could get some of the taller pea varieties and grow them up some cane wigwams? And all that kind of stuff?


  4. Lisa
    August 21st, 2009 15:10

    Thanks VP. Um..allotment agreement? Perhaps I should have one 😉
    Cameron suggested I dig up some lawn so I think that is what we will do. A couple of raised beds, at least. It won’t provide the escape that disappearing off does, but I’ll be able to go more often and at least I won’t have to worry about my children upsetting anybody.

  5. Jason
    August 21st, 2009 16:36


  6. Clare
    August 22nd, 2009 08:39

    How gutting- brings tears to my eyes- sounds very unfair that you get no chance to improve. hope your ‘closer patch’ is highly productive!

  7. turquoise » Blog Archive » A-little-menteering
    April 4th, 2010 14:31

    […] last year’s allotment debacle I find myself with just two raised beds (and pots, there is always pots*). I made Cameron fill the […]

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