Brain dump
Manuscript 1: something about family connections in weirdy brain tumoursBook chimney sweepGet copy of invoice from electricianManuscript 2: slugs and snails in cancer?*Buy winter boots for MReturn library books(pay fines)- Find plumber or competent person to replace kitchen taps
Make appointment to view primary school- Radio Lymm website
Send letter registered post to woman who drove into C’s carOrder turkeyand think about other christmas catering –book supermarket delivery slotnow?Change sheets in spare room- Think about T’s birthday: plan cake, birthday tea, etc
*On reflection, this one sounds peculiar. Perhaps if I could get more than 5 consecutive minutes too look at it, all would become clear. But T is poorly (cold/cough/query teeth) and wakes up for a shout every 7 minutes, requiring a minute of back-patting each time. I feel bad my authors are probably not getting their money’s worth, but what am I supposed to do? I’ll read it properly tomorrow. Fingers crossed.