Getting my mojo back
Maggie was 8 months and a bit the first time I went out and left her for an evening – I was absolutely ready to do so and had a fabulous time. Tamsin is 8 1/2 months (already!) and, although I have yet to have a lovely dinner out, I am starting to feel like me again. I’m sure all women have their own recovery period: 8 months, give or take, seems to be it for me. I’m reading again; I’m starting to think a haircut might be a good idea; I “need” some clothes; and I am at (very) long last starting to sort out the house. Items that were assigned temporary homes when we moved in over a year ago are slowly being allocated more appropriate locations, and I am even keeping on top of the tidying (mostly). I’m still spending more time online than is strictly sane but hey, baby steps.
Actually: I wonder if I am just feeling better for 3 days with hardly any rain? SAD in July was bad news.
In other news, had a lovely weekend with The Girls, all of whom (plus offspring) squeezed into my house on Saturday. There were people sleeping on almost every available surface while Cameron, Maggie, Tamsin and I occupied the front dorm. For a child who likes to visit at 1 am and again at 6ish, Maggie was strangely unimpressed with being put in our bed.
July 31st, 2007 14:37
Thanks for putting us all up for the weekend! Hoorah for the sunshine too 🙂
July 31st, 2007 16:24
Yes, thanks. We had a great time. Lovely to see everyone x