
Blah blah blah

Absolutely and utterly fed up and grumpo today – and I can’t quite put my finger on the reason. The sky is grey, which isn’t helping but is something I generally take in my stride – one has to if one lives in Cheshire. Cameron is in Germany, but back tonight only an hour or so later than usual, so I don’t think it is that. Maggie is driving me nuts: for some reason she is awfully insecure and clingy today. Doesn’t want to go more than about a foot from me and prefers to hold onto my leg if at all possible (so I keep tripping over her). That isn’t helping either but I think it’s something more fundamental than all that: if I could just have half an hour off from being Mummy I could sit down and have a think and figure it out. (Huh. Who am I trying to kid? If I had half an hour off from baby-on-knee and preschooler-clinging I would have to tidy the house, do the ironing, cook tea and edit that unsolicited manuscript.) Oh, and Tamsin is the baby who will not nap.

3 Responses to “Blah blah blah”

  1. Rachel
    April 11th, 2007 09:15

    You sound like you are in need of a big hug. I’ll send you a virtual one (((Lisa)))

  2. Sharon
    April 11th, 2007 11:44

    My goodness, I just had a closer look at that picture of T and Suzi. I thought from looking at the other photos that suzi was you. Talk about a family resemblance. Do you see much of a similarity between T and M?

  3. Lisa
    April 11th, 2007 16:40

    Thanks, Rach! Feeling a little better today anyway.
    Sharon: I don’t think T and M are alike at all, except they both have Cameron’s eyes (explains why he keeps bumping into things ha ha ha). My mum thinks T, of all her grandchildren, is the most like Suzi and myself as babies – it will be interesting to see if they become more alike as they get older (hair makes such a difference).

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