Birthdays don’t count any more at my age, but it is still a bit sad to wake up one year older on your own*. Cameron went to London yesterday and isn’t coming back until tomorrow. He has left a nice pile of cards and presents (but I’d rather he was here with no presents than presents are here without him). I told Maggie it was my birthday and she should sing to me, but she seems a bit confused: she was quite put out that I didn’t put on my party dress and wanted to know where the tree was and had “Farmer” Christmas been. We all overslept (see note below) so I haven’t opened anything yet; I thought I’d wait until she’s home this afternoon rather than doing it just with Tamsin this morning.
I did have a nice reflexology birthday treat, and Sara brought me cake last night. I’m not feeling too hard done by, just a bit starved of adult conversation. Trying to decide whether my evening would be better spent with Buffy or Moulin Rouge at the moment. I know how to have fun.
*”On my own” means Cameron isn’t there – of course I actually woke up with Tamsin snuffling away as usual on my right; I had about a foot-wide bit of bed then Maggie was spreadeagled across the rest of it, one foot in my face, on top of the covers. Cameron rang at 8 but M didn’t even wake: she came in around 4 last night in order to share an hour of coughing (very generous) so she was tired.
January 10th, 2007 14:02
Happy, Happy Birthday! I’d choose Moulin Rouge evreytime!
January 10th, 2007 14:22
Moulin Rouge!! My favourite film
January 10th, 2007 23:16
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lisa, happy birthday to you! Sorry I didn’t send a card – I’m a bit rubbish like that. Hope you were happy with your Buffy vs. Moulin decision, whichever it turned out to be. What did you get from Cameron?
January 11th, 2007 13:25
Happy belated birthday!! I’m sorry that it wasn’t as festive as it could have been. xx
I’d go for Moulin Rouge ‘cos it’s got Ewan in it. Mmmmmmmmmmmm Ewan.
January 11th, 2007 14:06
I did choose Moulin Rouge and it was fab. I don’t think I’ve seen it since I was in labour with Maggie!
Cameron got me a greenhouse (like a wendyhouse) and the Lily Allen CD. So he’s forgiven for being away.
January 11th, 2007 14:22
Oooh, new home! Nice.
Happy birthday etc, but how can one possibly manage a birthday cake, complete with the requisite amount of icing, when trying to cut down on sugar, I wonder? Interested minds must know!
January 11th, 2007 15:27
Clearly birthday cake is categorised as sugar-free (and calorie-free if you are into calories) in much the same way as rabbits were categorised as birds in old Japan to allow their consumption.
January 12th, 2007 19:04
Ah yes, of course.
I must just go and find myself a pint of cool, clear, purifying water (by which I mean of course a G&T – these categories could be quite misleading if one wasn’t careful…).
January 12th, 2007 21:06
Happy birthday, no wonder you were sulking. I like the bit about you waking sandwiched between the babies, particularly because it made me feel better about waking in my own six inch strip of bed, between the two snoring men in my life.
January 13th, 2007 13:07
Happy Birthday
January 13th, 2007 18:21
Happy belated birthday!
I find I don’t crave sugar so much if I have something like a banana about half an hour before I get that normal afternoon sugar craving (it’s not just a nursing mother thing!). And being too lazy to walk to the shop is helping me no end … good luck!
January 10th, 2008 13:35
[…] was actually here this morning (unlike last year) but, as he left at 6 for Germany, it wasn’t much of a party. On the other hand, Maggie is […]